Recognizing that each client’s case presents a unique set of facts and circumstances and/or set of legal issues, we pride ourselves in being able to offer the type of legal expertise and experience necessary in assisting our clients to quickly resolve the problems they encounter in their cases.

Further, we clearly recognize our clients are dealing with extraordinary life changes that impact themselves as well as their families, which is why we work diligently to quickly resolve their cases, whether through mediation or litigation.

Mark Bain, P.A., is committed to handling any type of family law case, including, but not limited to:

  • Children
  • Child Custody
  • Timesharing and Parenting
  • Plans
  • Child Support
  • Alimony
  • Divorce
  • Agreed Divorces
  • Contested Divorces
  • Florida Mother’s Rights
  • Florida Father’s Rights
  • Modification of Final
  • Judgements
  • Modifying Child Support, Custody, or Alimony



Is Florida Alimony Available For Husbands And Wives?

Alimony Exists for Both Parties—Husbands and Wives. Alimony is a means-based test, based on the need of one spouse as opposed to the ability to pay off the other, combined with the relevant factors as itemized below.

Financial challenges are sometimes overwhelming, yet don’t let the appearance of a challenge prevent you from making important decisions, such as filing for divorce, when it is in your best interests and/or in the best interests of your family. At Mark Bain, P.A., we will work with you, your spouse, and the court to obtain the alimony you need.

Different Types Of Florida Alimony

In Florida, various types of alimony can be awarded to either a Husband or a Wife when there is a need and an ability to pay or as otherwise required to do “equity and justice” between the parties, including:

Permanent Alimony
Durational Alimony
Rehabilitative Alimony
Bridge-the-Gap Alimony
Lump Sum Alimony
Temporary Alimony

Identifying The Relevant Florida Statutory Factors For Determining Alimony / Spousal Support

The court awards alimony based on specific factors. and to craft orders for spousal support tailored to the specific needs of the parties. Mark Bain, P.A., can help you to ensure that you are aware of your options and that the court is made aware of all factors relevant to an award of alimony. Factors relevant to an alimony award may include:

The length/duration of your marriage
Your standard of living during the marriage
Your age and physical or mental health
Your spouse’s age and physical or mental health
Financial resources available to you and your spouse
Whether a party’s career or education was disrupted because of the marriage

Helping You Mediate A Child Support Agreement

Are your concerns about child support preventing you from making decisions in your child’s best interest, including the decision to file for divorce? Is your ex-partner refusing to acknowledge paternity, exercise visitation or pay support? Let Mark Bain, P.A. in South Florida help you figure out your best options.

For a free initial telephone consultation and to schedule an appointment with an experienced Florida child support lawyer, contact our office by phone at 954-455-8802 or by e-mail at

Insight And Experience To Help You Reach Agreements In Child Support 

Mark Bain, P.A., a child support attorney, offers insight gained through years of experience resolving child custody, divorce, and other family law matters to help parents negotiate child support agreements that are in the best interests of the child and appropriate for each parent’s financial and personal circumstances.

Establishing Fair Child Support Obligations With Attention To Detail

We want to help you avoid discord and focus on the best interests of your children. Through thorough analysis of your and your spouse’s financial records, personal circumstances, and your children’s needs, we will help you establish child support obligations that are fair and accurate. That involves:

Calculating income accurately by identifying all income sources
Identifying available income deductions and assessing appropriate or overstated income deductions
Identifying factors that may justify a deviation in the state’s statutory child support guidelines

Modification Of Final Judgements

We help you when faced with a “substantial change in circumstances” in your life.

In Florida, a “substantial change in circumstances” can be grounds (statutorily) for increasing, decreasing, or terminating a child support or alimony order, or for modifying a child custody order. At the Law Offices of Mark Bain P.A., we help our clients reach resolutions in the modification of child support, spousal support or child custody orders.

Substantial Change In Your Financial Situation

At the Law Offices of Mark Bain P.A., we help clients who suffered a substantial change in circumstances related to job loss, disability, injury or other situations resulting from factors beyond their control. Such changes may render it difficult or impossible to comply with an existing child support or alimony order.

Modification Of Child Support Orders

A post judgment child support modification is available when necessary and in the best interests of the child. If you have had a substantial change in circumstances that is significant, material, permanent, and involuntary, Attorney Mark Bain can assist you to file for a modification of your Final Judgment and/or your most recent Order entered by the Court. He has years of experience in handling complex legal and financial issues to assist you obtaining a child support modification.

Conversely, if your Former Spouse is attempting to modify your previously entered Final Judgment regarding Alimony, Child Support or any other final financial obligation they have agreed to, they have the burden of likewise proving that a substantial change in circumstances has occurred that is significant, material, permanent, and involuntary. Many times, Former payor Spouses of Alimony and Child Support attempt downward modifications to which they are not entitled. Attorney Mark Bain will assist you in aggressively defending your contractual and Florida statutory rights.

Modification of Alimony Orders

Bankruptcy, unemployment, or other substantial changes in your financial situation can make it impossible to continue paying alimony at the current level. In Florida, a substantial change in an alimony recipient’s need and/or the alimony payor’s ability to pay can be grounds for a post judgment modification to increase, decrease, or terminate alimony. We can help.